Monday, 6 June 2016

Where money hides!!!!! . Cont'd

Until you  give attention to your intention, the world will not give you attention. Yes that is the real truth and this is where we will draw two more places where money is.
3) Money hides in Idea; Ideas rule the world. Everyday lots of idea are being downloaded into your mind, but what are you doing with the ideas. Has it ever happened to you that you once had an idea that you did nothing about, then suddenly after a couple of weeks you saw someone else doing that same thing you did nothing about, then you begin to regret. Hello, what came to your mind that you did nothing about, somebody else has done something about it, because one thousand good intentions is not as powerful as one action. Everybody is receiving ideas, no body own the monopoly of ideas. It is only those that act upon the ideas that are now called pioneers, inventors and innovators. So all over the world now we have Facebook, Google, Twitter and So On, all these are someone's idea,  that were executed. So when next an idea comes into your mind, please don't discard it, because it might just be a million dollars  ideas.  I hope by now you are beginning to see that nothing just happens, if it is going to be, it is up to you. If it is to be, then you have to make it be.
4) Money hides in products and services ; Money only flows in exchange for a product or a service. If you turn your idea or what you have into a product or a service, you will see that it won't turn into an instrument to make money.
How do you turn what you have around into a product and service?  There are a lot of things you do that people are supposed to pay you for, but the reasons you are not getting paid for it yet is because you have not packaged or turn it into a product or a service.
In the next piece I will continue to show you more places where money hides???

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    Waiting for you.........

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