Wednesday, 1 June 2016

What is money!!!!! 

You know, a lot of people think money is the paper notes they have in their hands. So a lot of time when you ask your friend, that you need some money, they open their purse and give you paper notes. I want you to know today that paper notes isn't money....Yes and I mean it.  You see if you don't really understand what money is,  there is no way you will be able to create wealth.  I have discovered over the years that the missing link is the issue of not knowing what money is; because they are all around looking for paper notes or currency, whereas  they have money.  Know this today,  MONEY is UNIVERSAL but CURRENCY is NATIONAL / REGIONAL.  That simply means if you think paper notes or currency is money, you will be busy pursuing it instead of the real money. For instance you live in Nigeria and you believe that Naira is money, do you know immediately you step into another country, you can't spend naira again until you exchange it for currency of country in which you are presently.  Rand is what they call money in South Africa, Pounds is what they call money in London, Dollar is what they call money in USA, Dirham is what they call money in Dubai, all over Europe it is Euro.
    The reason why people are corrupt is because they think currency is money, so they store up a lot of it. If the government of your country decides to change the present currency you have stored up to another currency, do you know that what you think you have stored up is now ordinary paper, why?  Because it was never money in the first place. Except you go and change it to the new currency. Now come to think of it, now that we are in the 21st century, the world of e-commerce. So everybody is moving to the card level. So is card also money?  No it is just a means of transaction.  I am sure you are now eager to know what money is, relax and ponder all of my today, in the next piece we will continue and you will see exactly what money is. 

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